Monday, March 28, 2011

The Saturday I Had Class

Our shoot began with a vague idea, two cars full of props, and the oldest of old school film cameras. We knew we wanted to film our protagonist walking while being assaulted by various objects and characters, so we grabbed all the hats, masks, clothes, and props we could find.

I brought confetti and I even went out of my way to buy water balloons. Little did I know the "waterbombs", as they were branded, would be used against their proprietor. That's right; I was a planner in my own demise. The "assault" was to be on me.

We spent a long time setting up the complicated shoot. After a few minutes of talking we noticed that we could divide the props into segments.

Reading on the steps to begin the walk. Throw the book. Jacket gets ripped off, rain jacket handed over. WATER BOMBS. Park scene. Skateboarder passes by. TENNIS BALLS. FRISBEE. Wedding scene. RICE. Alien steals the "husband". Confetti/Streamers. Sign. Applause. The minute is over.

Segments in which I was painfully pelted capitalized for emphasis.

We ran through the shot about 5 times so that we could get the timing perfect and everyone knew where they needed to run and what they needed to put on/throw. Thankfully the run-throughs didn’t require that I get hit with anything but the tennis balls.

Then the water balloons were filled up. I helped.

We did one more run through before time was up. We had to shoot then or never.

Everything went well. Luckily my part was simply to walk because the force and the cold behind the balloons left me dazed for the rest of the minute.

We cleaned up our mess and darted inside to develop the film. Running around to dry the film was ridiculous and went well with the events of the day.

The other group needed help so Ian got in his costume and I kicked a soccer ball around. They didn’t need anyone kicking a soccer ball around, nor did they film it, but it was a nice day and a nice ball.

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